Traditional Costumes

Service Figure derived from the Commedia dell’arte
The figure of the Harlequin is derived from the Commedia dell’arte. The costume itself is taken from the Arlecchino. In its beginnings the costume was very simple: it was composed of a wide white blouse and white long pants. Over time the design has been modified. The blouse and pants have become narrower and with the input of more fantasy designs the costume has become more colorful.
Appearance and Attitude change
His appearance and attitude have changed, especially over the years in France (comédie italienne). There the Arlecchino lost the crude characteristics of the second Zani. He became more elegant, humorous, ironic and sad. His costume lost its original, simple form and became more elaborate. Towards the end of the 16th century it was already defined by the three-coloured (green, red, yellow) rhombic pattern.
In addition to the diamond pattern, the ruff and the bicorn hat, the Harlequin who we meet at the Basel carnival has developed other attributes such as a cape, harem pants and pompoms. The mask also reveals a slight hint of melancholy.